A Brief History of Tepache

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Tepache is a traditional Mexican fermented beverage with a history dating back to pre-Columbian times.

It is a refreshing drink made primarily from pineapple rinds, water, and sugar, often flavored with a variety of spices and fruits, including: mango, cinnamon, cayenne and more. Let's dive in to a brief history of this amazing drink:


Ancient Roots

Tepache's origins can be traced to the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica, including the Aztecs and Mayans. Pineapples, native to the tropical regions of the Americas, were a significant part of their diet at the time! Indigenous communities would use the outer peel or rind of pineapples, which is typically discarded, to make tepache. They fermented it naturally, harnessing wild yeast and bacteria from the environment.

Spanish Influence

When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Americas in the 16th century, they encountered and adopted many indigenous food and drink traditions. Tepache (and pineapples in general) was one such beverage that was incorporated into the Spanish colonial culture.

Evolution and Variations

Over time, the preparation of tepache evolved. In addition to pineapple rinds, various recipes started including ingredients like cinnamon, cloves, and other spices, depending on regional preferences. The fruit used in the fermentation process also began to evolve and become more diverse. Some regions began using corn or tibicos as the fermentation base, instead of pineapple rinds.

Contemporary Tepache

Today, tepache remains a popular and beloved traditional drink in Mexico. It is often sold by street vendors, particularly in markets and during festive occasions. Homemade and artisanal versions have also gained popularity, allowing for variations and experimentation with flavors. Including ours! While Kombucha began to gain popularity and significance in the East among countries like India and China, Tepache was rising in the West — two different methods of fermentation blossoming in unison. 

Commercial Production

In recent years, tepache has gained attention beyond Mexico's borders, and some beverage companies have started commercial production of bottled tepache for wider distribution — including us! 

Tepache's history reflects the rich culinary heritage of Mexico and its ability to adapt and endure through centuries, making it a unique and refreshing beverage enjoyed by people both within and outside of Mexico. Its popularity continues to grow as people embrace fermented and probiotic-rich drinks for their potential health benefits and unique flavors.


Our Spin on a Classic

Enter: us. We took our decades of experience in fermentation and created our own spin on a classic Tepache recipe — utilizing fermented tibicos water to craft a modern effervescent classic. The fermented tibicos water used in Tepache not only enhances its flavor but also means it contains live and active cultures! 

We remain committed to sourcing the finest, sustainably-produced ingredients for our products and Tepache is no exception. By supporting sustainable agriculture and fair trade practices, we ensure that Tepache not only tantalizes your taste buds but also contributes to a healthier and more equitable future.

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